"Pólítísk rétthugsun" í öngstræti - hvert liggur leið?

Rétt áður en ég sá þessa frétt á mbl.is, hafði ég verið að lesa grein eftir Flemming Rose, á spiegel.de, en Flemming þessi mun vera ábyrgur fyrir birtingu Jyllands Posten á skopmyndunum sem ollu svo miklu írafári nú fyrir skömmu.

Í greinnini segir hann frá því hvers vegna hann birti skopmyndirnar, en það er margt athyglisvert sem kemur þar fram, s.s.:

"Europe today finds itself trapped in a posture of moral relativism that is undermining its liberal values. An unholy three-cornered alliance between Middle East dictators, radical imams who live in Europe and Europe's traditional left wing is enabling a politics of victimology. This politics drives a culture that resists integration and adaptation, perpetuates national and religious differences and aggravates such debilitating social ills as high immigrant crime rates and entrenched unemployment."

"As one who once championed the utopian state of multicultural bliss, I think I know what I'm talking about. I was raised on the ideals of the 1960s, in the midst of the Cold War. I saw life through the lens of the countercultural turmoil, adopting both the hippie pose and the political superiority complex of my generation. I and my high school peers believed that the West was imperialistic and racist. We analyzed decaying Western civilization through the texts of Marx and Engels and lionized John Lennon's beautiful but stupid tune about an ideal world without private property: "Imagine no possessions/ I wonder if you can/ No need for greed or hunger/ A brotherhood of man/ Imagine all the people/ Sharing all the world.

It took me only 10 months as a young student in the Soviet Union in 1980-81 to realize what a world without private property looks like, although many years had to pass until the full implications of the central Marxist dogma became clear to me.


That experience was the beginning of a long intellectual journey that has thus far culminated in the reactions to the Muhammed cartoons."

"Now, in Europe's failure to grapple realistically with its dramatically changing demographic picture, I see a new parallel to that Cold War journey. Europe's left is deceiving itself about immigration, integration and Islamic radicalism today the same way we young hippies deceived ourselves about Marxism and communism 30 years ago. It is a narrative of confrontation and hierarchy that claims that the West exploits, abuses and marginalizes the Islamic world. Left-wing intellectuals have insisted that the Danes were oppressing and marginalizing Muslim immigrants."

"Europe must shed the straitjacket of political correctness, which makes it impossible to criticize minorities for anything -- including violations of laws, traditional mores and values that are central to the European experience."

Greinina má finna í heild sinni hér og mæli ég sterklega með henni.

Aðrar greinar á spiegel.de, sem tengjast efninu, þó á neikvæðari máta sé, má finna hér og hér.

Í þessum greinum er fjallað um uppgang stjórnmálaflokka sem byggja á kynþáttahatri í Þýskalandi, svæði sem enginn ætti að heimsækja nema hann sé hvítur og möguleikann á að það sjóði upp úr á meðan á Heimsmeistarkeppninni í knattspyrnu stendur.

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