Borat leggur heiminn að fótum sér

Það er ekki ofsögum sagt að Borat sé að verða að nokkurs konar æði í Ameríku.  Myndin malar gull á fyrstu helginni og tekur 1. sætið, nokkuð sem ekki margir áttu von á.

Af vef NYT:

"Indeed, ``Borat'' -- the acclaimed comedy tracing the Jew-fearing title character's road trip across the United States -- stunned observers by opening at No. 1 on Sunday with ticket sales of $26.4 million, more than double the most optimistic forecasts."

"Fox released the R-rated ``Borat'' in just 837 theaters across the United States and Canada, down from initial plans of 2,500 theaters, because polling indicated that huge enthusiasm among critics and the MySpace crowd had not spread to mainstream moviegoers.

In the end, it appeared that naked wrestling, toilet jokes and anti-semitic satire hold universal appeal. ``Borat'' also earned more than $17 million overseas after opening in 17 countries, and was No. 1 in at least Britain and Germany, according to preliminary Fox data.

``It's broad, slapstick humor but with a real intelligence hidden below the surface,'' said Bruce Snyder, Fox's president of domestic theatrical distribution.

English comedian Sacha Baron Cohen stars in the title role as a TV reporter making a documentary about the United States for his impoverished countrymen. Baron Cohen and director Larry Charles, a former ``Seinfeld'' writer/producer, made the $18 million film guerrilla-style. "

Sjá frétt NYT hér.

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Nokkur góð "skets" má finna hér, en þó ekki úr myndinni.

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