Stærðin skiptir vissulega máli

Það virðist vera afdráttarlaust, því stærri, því betra og allir eru ánægðari og það sem meira er afköstin aukast.

Það sem meira er, vinnufélagar og kunningjarnir verða grænir af öfund. 

Það er svo mikið betra að hafa stærri skjá.  Þægindin aukast, afköstin aukast og vellíðanin er svo mikið, mikið meiri. 

Um þetta mátti lesa í frétt The Globe and Mail í dag. 

Það sem meira er, stækkunin getur borgað sig upp í fáum mánuðum með auknum afköstum.

"Michael Carey admits he was a bit surprised by the initial reaction of employees at Berkshire Operations Management Ltd. after he gave some of them a new 22-inch widescreen computer monitor to test.

"At first, people got freaked out at how huge the screen was and said it was way too big," says Mr. Carey, manager of technical services at Berkshire, a financial firm in Burlington, Ont. That didn't last. "Once they used it for even a day, if I tried to take it away they'd be chopping my hands off."

Encouraged by the response, Mr. Carey ordered 60 additional widescreen monitors for employees who are using a new application that requires a bigger viewing surface. Now he's bracing for a different reaction: the ire of the remaining three-quarters of the company who will be left out.

"It's a perk for those who get one, but a downer for those who don't," he says."

"The latest research to push the wider-is-better message came in a University of Utah study released two weeks ago. The study was funded, but not controlled, by NEC, a monitor manufacturer. Study participants were timed as they toggled between documents in programs such as Word and Excel.

Researchers found that upgrading a worker from an 18-inch to a 24-inch screen reduced the time it took to complete a task from eight hours to 5 ½hours. They estimated a company can save $8,600 per employee based on a $32,500 annual salary, even after factoring in the cost of the new monitor and increased electricity use.

A 2003 study by Microsoft researchers came to similar conclusions, as did a 2005 report by Pfeiffer Consulting. The Pfeiffer study upgraded people to a gigantic 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display and concluded that the resulting productivity gains could lead to a return on investment of "several thousand dollars per year."

But the Utah study went a step further by also gathering feedback about how a bigger screen made participants feel. In today's workplace, apparently, you are what you use.

"It made them feel like they had accomplished more," says Elizabeth Wolff, a research analyst with NEC. "In addition to having productivity gains, a larger screen also has a positive spin on how people feel and their satisfaction at work as well.""

"The original idea for the monitors was to help productivity and make the work environment a little better," says Geoffrey Bainbridge, the company's vice-president of human resources. "Then we had the idea of surprising them with the monitors when they came back [from holiday]."

To employees, it amounted to a late Christmas bonus. (A former employee of the company, I visited the offices shortly after the monitors had arrived and witnessed the giddiness first-hand.)

At Berkshire, Mr. Carey hopes to appease the have-nots soon: He's decided that any new monitor purchases will be for 22-inch screens, so eventually everyone will be upgraded.

Meanwhile, some companies are moving to the next level of screen envy: multiple monitors. U.S.-based search engine equips employees with at least two 24-inch monitors, according to a blog post by CEO Jason Calacanis. He's even encouraging workers to try a three-screen set-up of a 30-inch monitor flanked by two 24-inch "wing men."

"It's so clear that three monitors makes people über-productive," he wrote."

 Það er eiginlega alveg ljóst að 19" mín er algerlega úrelt og er að eyðileggja fyrir fyrir mér flest það sem til betri vegar getur horft.  Það er eins gott að fara að líta í kringum sig efitr nýjum skjá.

Ekki seinna en á morgun.



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