18.12.2006 | 07:31
Rakst á ágætis dálk í Globe and Mail, þar fjallar Rex Murphy um nýliðna ráðstefnu í Íran um Helförina. Hann gefur henni ekki háa einkunn.
Mér finnst það enda nokkuð merkilegt hvað fólk og fjölmiðlar hafa verið hógværir í fordæmingu á þessu "framtaki" Íransstjórnar.
Ekki einu sinni einn einasti Íslenski stjórnmálaflokkur eða ungliðasamtök á Íslandi hafa fordæmt þetta svo ég hafi séð, hefur þó oft verið minni ástæða til að láta í sér heyra.
Vissulega er rangt að mínu mati að banna slíkar ráðstefnur eða skoðanir, eins og sum ríki hafa gert, mál og skoðanfrelsi er alltof dýrmætt til að láta nazista takmarka það, en við eigum hins vegar að notfæra okkur frelsi okkar til að fordæma þær.
En hér eru nokkur brot úr pistli Rex Murhphy´s:
"Mocking the absolute misery, of another human being has to be next to deliberately and wantonly designing that misery the lowest of human behaviours.
Mocking the misery, torment and death of six million human beings, therefore, belongs to some unspeakable category of epic depravity.
What form, what shape would the keenest of such mockery take? Would it be to jeer publicly and laugh at the torments and death of so many, to take open delight at the nearly unimaginable pain and terror visited on so many?
To cheer the misery of millions would surely be an offence to scorch the ears of hell itself. But, if you are a Jew, I suspect that the last and perfect insult, the one that surpasses even open mockery of the Holocaust its last cruelty so to speak is to say there was no Holocaust."
"The target of it all, as it always is, was Israel and the Jews. For Mr. Ahmadinejad, the nearly illimitable suffering of the six million is a Jewish lie. On state television he proclaimed: They [the Jews] have fabricated a legend under the name Massacre of the Jews, and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the prophets themselves. The same Mr. Ahmadinejad, who mocks and derides the historical Holocaust, opens this demented seminar with the clear promise of one soon to come: The Zionist regime will be wiped out soon, the same way the Soviet Union was, and humanity will achieve freedom. He has so often proclaimed that Israel will be wiped off the map that the phrase hardly needs quotation marks. But note, too, how he links Israel's being wiped out with humanity, all humanity, achieving freedom.
The death of Israel, i.e., the death of Jews, as millennial panacea, the removal of the one impediment to universal harmony where have we heard this before? We are not far, not far by one inch, from the racist dogmas that found such terrible audience in 1930s Germany. The Jew now, as then, is always out of scale in power, in insidiousness, in perniciousness to the common good of mankind.
If somebody in their country questions God, nobody says anything, Mr. Ahmadinejad said. But if somebody denies the myth of the massacre of Jews, the Zionist loudspeakers and the governments in the pay of Zionism will start to scream.
This is anti-Semitism's latest diabolic twist. The Holocaust was powered by the great lie of the Jewish world conspiracy, and now the Holocaust itself is another Jewish conspiracy. Anti-Semitism as the snake that swallows its own tail. The malice here is profound. While most of the sane world looked upon this conference as deranged and hateful, and many worthy people said as much, hatred and mockery of Israel and the Jews has become so common that this outlandish gathering in Tehran this week seemed almost ordinary, predictable.
Let us recall that was Arendt's reading of Eichmann ordinary, predictable, banal."
Greinina má finna í heild hér.
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