30.4.2008 | 17:06
Kynleg bænastund
Ég er alltaf að rekast á eitthvað sem kemur mér á óvart þegar ég "krúsa" netið. Fyrirfram hefði ég ekki lagt peninga undir á að kynlífshneyksli væru á meðal þess sem stjórnin í Tehran þarf að kljást við, í landi þar sem eru "engir samkynhneigðir" ógift pör fá aðvaranir fyrir að haldast í hendur og sektir liggja við því að konur séu án "slæðu"og allir með guðsorð á vörunum hljóta líkurnar að vera því sem næst engar, eða hvað.
En þá rakst ég á þessa frétt á vef Spiegel.
En þegar ég leiði hugann að því hver refsingin geti orðið fyrir að láta naktar vændiskonur fara með bænir til guðs, þá virkar "lausnin" sem ýað er að í síðustu setningunni í í fréttinni því sem næst "mannúðleg".
"General Reza Zarei, Tehran's chief of police, has been under arrest in Iran since mid-March for a curious scandal: He was caught in a brothel with six prostitutes. One of the women involved says Zarei, 52, asked the group to remove their clothes, "stand in a row in front of him and pray naked."
The trouble for Zarei -- and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who hired him -- is not just that he's chief of police in the Iranian capital. He's also in charge of vice crime. He should have been arresting the prostitutes, not paying them for kinky prayers.
The one-time chief of police in the northern province of Gilan was raised to one of the nation's top law-enforcement posts three years ago, reportedly with Ahmadinejad's patronage. His harsh moral sermons on state TV have made him famous. Fashionable young women who let their headscarves slip down around their necks were subject to his strict enforcement of Iran's dress code, and his office gave out an estimated 35,000 warnings -- to unmarried couples, for example, who held hands."
"Until recently, conservative Iranians even denied there was prostitution in Iran. The government also denied at first that Zarei had been arrested. But reports about the scandal began to appear on Persian-language Web sites and local newspapers until Iran's Justice Department confirmed Zarei's arrest in mid-April."
"Prostitution in Iran -- an Islamic theocracy -- is against the law. Harsh punishments for prostitutes as well as their customers include not just jail but execution. The business flourishes anyway. Thousands of women reportedly work in the 12 million-strong capital of Tehran. On Motahari Street, in the wealthy northern part of the city, the price for an hour of sex ranges from 20 to 50 ($31 to $78).
Last Wednesday it was reported that Zarei committed suicide in jail, raising speculation that an inconvenient Tehran insider had been liquidated. Tehran, though, says Zarei is still alive."
Meginflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Aukaflokkur: Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:22 | Facebook
fréttin hitti er beint í mark
kinky íslams prayers

Jóhann Helgason, 30.4.2008 kl. 17:19
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.