Mánudagur allra mánudaga

Í dag var mánudagur allra mánudag, eða svo segja rannsóknir sem lesa má um á síðum Globe and mail.  Í dag var mánudagurinn eftir að klukkan var færð fram, mánudagurinn eftir að allir (það er að segja hér í Kanada) töpuðu heilum klukkutíma á miðnætti aðfaranótt sunnudags.

Reglulega hefur mátt heyra raddir þess efnis að Íslendingar ættu að taka þátt í þessum "leik".  Eins og það sé ekki nóg að vera á stöðugum sumartíma. 

Persónulega er ég mikið á móti því að vera að hræra í klukkunni tvisvar á ári, það er að mínu mati hrein vitleysa, hvort sem er á Íslandi eða í Kanada.

En hér er smá partur af því sem lesa má í fréttinni:

"In a 1996 study, University of British Columbia researchers found that the number of traffic accidents in Canada increases by 7 per cent on the first Monday of daylight time."

" In another study, Dr. Coren found that industrial workplace accidents bump up by 6 per cent in the two or three days after we spring forward.

"All this suggests that many of us are essentially impaired on that Monday following the switch to daylight savings time," Dr. Coren said.

But even employees who make it through work without a major mishap today probably won't get much accomplished.

Sleep deprivation taxes the brain's creative capacity, according to Dr. Coren, triggering poor judgment and decision making. "

"But the worst part of all comes via a new U.S. study showing that the switch to daylight time could be all for naught.

Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, found that Indiana households adopting daylight time for the first time in 2006 spent an additional $8.6-million (U.S.) on electricity, debunking the energy-conser- vation argument governments have long given in favour of daylight time.

But don't expect lawmakers to heed the study and ease workers' suffering any time soon. Provincial governments across Canada followed the lead of the U.S. Congress and actually added four weeks to daylight time last year.

How should you cope with this dreaded day aside from avoiding the roads and begging off work?

"It's not rocket science,"

Dr. Coren said. "If everyone just went to bed an hour earlier, these problems wouldn't happen." "

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