Elskist, búið saman og bjargið umhverfinu?

Ég verð að viðurkenna að ég hef alltaf lúmskt gaman af því þegar mál eru skoðuð frá óvenjulegum sjónarhornum.

Þannig er einmitt með grein sem ég rakst á þegar ég var að flækjast á vef Globe and Mail.  Þar er fjallað um þau áhrif sem skilnaðir hafa á umhverfið.  Þar er verið að tala um loftslagsmál, aukna vatns og rafmagnsnotkun, meira rými og svo má lengi áfram telja.

Í stuttu máli má segja að vísindamennirnir komist að þeirri niðurstöðu að skilnaðir séu umhverfisvá.

Gamla góða slagorðinu yrði þá líklega breytt í "Make Love, Not Pollution". 

Skyldi þetta vera rætt á Bali?  En hér þurfa auðvitað þær stöllur Jóhanna og Þórunn að taka höndum saman.

En í greininni má m.a. lesa eftirfaranda:

"Now there is one more reason for couples to try to stay together: Researchers have added divorce to the long list of things that are bad for the environment.

U.S. researchers, in a study believed to be the first to link marriage breakdown with its environmental impact, have concluded divorce definitely isn't green.

They say it leads to "resource-inefficient lifestyles" that dramatically increase the consumption of water and electricity, and demands for housing.

Although it isn't surprising that the study found separated couples and their children consume more than they would had their families remained intact, the amount of damage they cause to the environment hasn't been quantified in such detail before."

"The study found that in the United States, divorced households spent between 46 and 56 per cent more on electricity and water for each person than in married households.

Looking at that country in 2005, it said divorced households could have saved more than 38 million rooms, 73 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and about 2.4 trillion litres of water if their resource use matched that of married couples.

The amounts of water, housing and electricity indicated by the U.S. figures are the equivalent of a very large city. The water alone is equal to the amount used by about 13 million people, at typical North American usage rates, and the extra spending on the two utilities cost $10.5-billion (U.S.)."

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1 Smámynd: Ár & síð

Hér er líka umfjöllun um þetta efni.

Ár & síð, 6.12.2007 kl. 16:23

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