3.9.2006 | 00:40
"Án brjósta er engin paradís"
Stundum rekst ég á hitt og þetta á vefnum sem ég hreinlega næ ekki að skilja til fullnustu. Ég verð svo hissa, undrandi og hreinlega get ekki skilið þær kringumstæður sem liggja að baki. Núna rétt í þessu var eitt af þessum augnablikum.
Á vef breska Tímans (The TimesOnLine), er að finna frétt frá Kolombíu, um "sápu" þar í landi sem hefur haft viðtæk áhrif á kvenþjóðina þar í landi. Svo mikil að barmummál þarlendra kvenna ku hafa aukist mikið, með tilstilli þar til bærra lækna.
En fáum nokkur dæmi úr fréttinni:
"THE sorry television saga of a pretty young woman who undergoes breast enlargement to win the heart of a drug dealer is gripping Colombia, where the series reflects an unparalleled boom in plastic surgery.
The story of Katherine, a desperate teenager struggling to escape poverty, is told in a nightly drama called Sin Tetas No Hay Paraiso, or Without Breasts There Is No Paradise.
Gustavo Bolivar Moreno, an investigative reporter and author of a bestselling book about would-be molls that inspired the series, has been praised for revealing the bleak truths about many young women’s ambitions. “All adolescent girls are self-conscious about their bodies,” he said. “But I have met 13-year-olds saving up surgery money specifically to reach their ultimate goal — a cocaine smuggler."
"Sin Tetas follows the rise and fall of a girl who prostitutes herself to pay for a D-cup that will attract the attention of a glamorous local thug with dark glasses, armed guards and a swimming pool. In one episode she says she wants to become a moll “because even if my man dies, I will be out of the mud”.
The saga continues until next month but the story of Katherine and her friends is unlikely to end happily. “Her smile was wondrous, but her breasts became her road to hell,” said a trailer for the series on Caracol TV.
Young women interviewed in Bogota last week said they recognised Katherine in the programme. Johanna, a communications student aged 22, said: “It’s really popular because it shows real life. Girls like to be skinny but men want them to have big chests so they go along with it.”
Diana, a 21-year-old student, said: “Of course it’s exaggerated and not all girls go to such extremes to get the surgery, but enough do.” "
"“Americans like to go blonde, but here they like to go big,” said a member of the Colombian Plastic Surgeons Society. “Sometimes you have to calm them down a bit before they damage themselves.”
The Bogota surgeon, who asked not to be identified, estimated that one in six young women in richer cities such as Medellin and Cartagena had had some “work done”, a higher rate than in Beverly Hills."
Fréttin í heild er hér.
Ég hreinlega veit ekki hvað ég á að segja, best að ég þegi bara, um stund.
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Áhrifamáttur sjónvarpsins. Það þarf mikið til að ég verði kjstopp en þetta var svoleiðis tilfelli.
Birna M, 3.9.2006 kl. 09:45
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.