Eistlendingar finna flensuna

All nokkuð hefur verið rætt um að "Flensan" hafi lítið látið sjá sig undanfarið.  Ef einhver hefur "saknað" hennar er þó ljóst að hún er alls ekki horfin

Eistlendingar hafa fundið all nokkuð fyrir flensu á nýliðnum vikum, sértaklega yngri kynslóðin, eða eins og lesa má í frétt ERR:

"There were 1,450 confirmed cases of influenza across Estonia over the last seven days, an increase of 13 percent compared to the week before.

In total, more than 8,000 people contacted their doctors with suspected respiratory viruses. The highest number were in Pärnu County, Tartu County, Lääne County, Rapla County and Narva County.

The virus is widespread, the Health Board said, and school children make up 45 percent of cases. However, the number of working-age people contracting influence is starting to rise, increasing from 28 percent to 44 percent last week.

The trend shows it is first caught in schools and is then passed to parents and then elderly, who often need hospital treatment.

Twelve patients were admitted to hospital last week. Since the start of the flu season, 83 people have needed treatment.

Three people over the age of 70 died and none were vaccinated against the flu.

So far, 3,218 cases of influenza have been diagnosed."

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Það er spurning hvort Utanríkisráðaneytið geti sent fyrirspurn til Eistlendinga um aðstoð að finna flensuna á Íslandi þar sem hún er týnd og fjöllum gefin.

Trausti (IP-tala skráð) 10.2.2022 kl. 13:05

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