"“For years, decades, we’ve been writing about stigma in infectious disease and how it’s problematic and now people are thinking of actually employing something that is by definition stigmatizing as a way out,” said University of Toronto bioethicist Dr. Ross Upshur, of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health."


"It’s nice to think of an immunity passport if you’re the one “immune,” Upshur added. “Because that means there is at least the possibility that some of us would be able to freely move in the environment.”

But how to do the testing fairly and equitably? “You would need a regimen to give everybody the fair opportunity to have the test, and look at how well we’ve been rolling out testing in Ontario in the first place,” he said.

The plan would also be premised on the idea that the non-immune would remain largely sheltered until vaccines become available. But Upshur, who has been on multiple meetings with top scientific minds on World Health Organization teleconferences, says the probability that there will be a vaccine in the near future with over 90 per cent efficacy and available in seven billion doses “is almost non-existent.”"


"It’s likely that people exposed to the pandemic virus in the past would have some reasonable degree of immunity. “One hundred percent immunity? Probably not. One hundred per cent of the time? Definitely not. But better than nothing,” said Amir Attaran, a professor of law and medicine at the University of Ottawa who has a PhD in immunology.

However, in our shelter-in-place isolation, we didn’t magically develop immunity, Attaran noted. “We’ve been sitting on the couch watching Netflix and drinking beer."


"Attaran said we ought to consider immune passporting, “giving those who are thought to be immune a bill of health that says they can circulate more extensively in society without risking the health of others.”

But what level of immunity makes someone passport worthy? How would it work?"

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