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Því miður er allt of mikið um fréttir álika þessari, sem þessi færsla er hengd við, í íslenskum fjölmiðlum.

Ég get ekki séð annað en að megintexti hennar sé beinlínis rangur, og í þokkabót skína fordómar þess sem hana skrifar í gegnum textann.

Það er ekki að undra að enginn skuli vera skrifaður fyrir fréttinni.


Bak­slag fyr­ir Merkel

Þýski þjóðern­is­flokk­ur­inn Ann­ar kost­ur fyr­ir Þýska­land eða Alternativ für Deutsch­land (AfD) náði öðru sæti í fylk­is­kosn­ing­um í Mecklen­burg-Vorpomm­ern í norðaust­ur­hluta Þýska­lands og fór þar með upp fyr­ir Kristi­lega demó­krata, flokk Ang­elu Merkel kansl­ara.

Flokk­ur­inn legg­ur áherslu á andúð á flótta­mönn­um og hef­ur gagn­rýnt frjáls­lynda stefnu Merkel í mál­efn­um flótta­fólks.

Í kosn­ing­un­um hlaut AfD 21% kosn­ingu en þetta er í fyrsta skiptið sem flokk­ur­inn býður fram til fylk­isþings í Mecklen­burg-Vorpomm­ern. Kristi­leg­ir demó­krat­ar fengu 19%, en sósí­al­demó­krata­flokk­ur­inn SDP fékk sem áður flest at­kvæði og var með 30% fylgi.

Hvergi annars staðar en á, hef ég séð fullyrt um úrslit kosninganna í Meclenburg-Vorpommern, heldur hefur alls staðar annars staðar verið talað um útgönguspár.

Þannig hljóðar frétt BBC um sömu kosningar, en hún birtist á vef þess fyrir rúmlega 20 mínútum (þegar þessi færsla er skrifuð):

Angela Merkel's ruling CDU party has been beaten into third place by an anti-immigrant and anti-Islam party in elections in a north-eastern German state, TV exit polls suggest.

The Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD) party took 21% of the vote behind the centre-left SPD's 30.5%.

The German chancellor's CDU was supported by only 19% of those who voted, according to the exit polls.

The vote was seen as a key test before German parliamentary elections in 2017.

Before the vote in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, all of Germany's other parties ruled out forming a governing coalition with the AfD.

However, the party's strong showing could weaken Mrs Merkel ahead of the national elections next year.

Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, in the former East Germany, is where the chancellor's own constituency is located.

Under her leadership, Germany has been taking in large numbers of refugees and migrants - 1.1 million last year - and anti-immigrant feeling has increased.

The AfD, initially an anti-euro party, has become the party of choice for voters dismayed by Mrs Merkel's policy.

The CDU has been the junior coalition partner in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania since 2006. Its 19% in the election is its worst ever result in the state, German broadcasters said.

Ég hygg að flestir geti séð að himinn og haf er á milli fréttaskrifanna.

Og andstaða gegn óheftum straumi innflytjenda og barátta gegn Islam er í mínum skilningi ekki það sama og "andúð á innflytjendum".  Þar lætur fréttaskrifari sín persónulegu sjónarmið sína í gegn (eða þá að verið er að þýða úr hlutdrægum fréttamiðlum), eða það þykir mér alla vegna líklegra en að hann hafi átt í erfiðleikum með þýðingarvinnuna.

Slík vinnubrögð eru því miður allt of algeng í íslenskum fjölmiðlum (og víðar) en geta ekki talist til fyrirmyndar eða eftirbreytni.

Það breytir engu um hvað okkur kann að finnast um AfD, eða stefnu þess (sem hefur að mínu persónulega mati leitað út í hróann, gagnstætt því sem var við stofnun flokksins), þá á flokkurinn rétt á því sem allir aðrir að fréttir um hann litist ekki af skoðunum þess sem ritar, eins og mögulegt er.

Það á ekki að vera erfitt að gera betur en þetta.

P.S. Það breytir því ekki að ef þetta verða niðurstöðurnar, sem mér þykir ekki ólíklegt að verði í svipuðum dúr, þá er það mikið áfall fyrir Merkel og flokk hennar, ekki síst með tilliti til stefnu hennar í málefnum flóttamanna.

P.S.S. Ég hygg að flestir geti myndað sér skoðun á því hvort að líklegt sé að úrslit kosninganna liggi fyrir, þegar skoðuð er tímasetning fréttar

Hér er svo að lokum texti frá AFP, sem fréttin er líklega unnin upp úr, en þar er einnig talað um útgönguspá:

Germany's anti-migrant populists made a strong showing at Sunday's state polls, scoring ahead of Chancellor Angela Merkel's party as voters punish the German leader over her liberal refugee policy.

The xenophobic Alternative for Germany (AfD) obtained around 21 percent in its first bid for seats in the regional parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Vorpommern, according to exit polls shortly after voting ended.

Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, meanwhile, garnered just 19 percent in its worst ever showing in the north-eastern state, while the Social Democrats maintained top place with around 30 percent.

Calling it a "proud result," Leif-Erik Holm, AfD's lead candidate said: "And the cream of the cake is that we have left Merkel's CDU behind us... maybe that is the beginning of the end of Merkel's time as chancellor."

Although the former Communist state is Germany's poorest and least populous, it carries a symbolic meaning as it is home to Merkel's constituency Stralsund.

The polls are also held exactly a year after the German leader made the momentous decision to let in tens of thousands of Syrian and other migrants marooned in eastern European countries.

Although she won praise at first, the optimism has given way to fears over how Europe's biggest economy will manage to integrate the million people who arrived last year alone.

Her decision has left her increasingly isolated in Europe, and exposed her to heavy criticism at home, including from her own conservative allies.

- 'No money for us' -

In the sprawling farming and coastal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where economic regeneration and jobs used to top residents' concerns, the issue of refugees and integration has become the deciding factor for one in two voters.


"I am voting AfD. The main reason is the question over asylum-seekers," said a pensioner and former teacher who declined to be named.

"A million refugees have come here. There is money for them, but no money to bring pensions in the east to the same levels as those of the west," he said, referring to the lower retirement payments that residents of former Communist states receive compared to those in the west.

Compared to other parts of Germany, the northeastern state hosts just a small proportion of migrants under a quota system based on states' income and population -- having taken in 25,000 asylum seekers last year.

Most of them have already decided to abandon the state, preferring to head "where there are jobs, people and shops," said Frieder Weinhold, CDU candidate.

But he acknowledged that the "migration policy has sparked a feeling of insecurity among the people."

After a series of attacks by asylum-seekers in July -- including two claimed by the Islamic State organisation -- the mood has also darkened.

If the results were confirmed, the AfD, which was founded in 2013, would enter yet another regional parliament.

The party is now represented on the opposition benches of half of Germany's 16 regional parliaments.

- 'No solutions' -

Leading members of the party have sparked outrage over insulting remarks, including one disparaging footballer Jerome Boateng, of mixed German and Ghanian descent, as the neighbour no German wants.

Days ahead of Sunday's vote, Merkel urged the population to reject AfD.

"The more the people who go to vote, the less the percentage won by some parties that, in my view, have no solution for problems and which are built mainly around a protest -- often with hate," she said.

The chancellor, who is attending the G20 summit in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, did not vote in the polls as her main residence is in Berlin.




 Bakslag fyrir Merkel
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Bloggfærslur 4. september 2016


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